Fancy abseiling down a 790ft waterfall or scaling sheer rock faces?
For some extreme adventure in Sri Lanka, Rock Climbing offers great thrills for both passionate climbers and amateurs. However, if you are a total beginner keen to try it out, make sure you are well prepared. Mentally and physically challenging, it is an activity that requires strength, endurance, knowledge of correct technique and proper use of equipment. It is not for the fainthearted, but the thrills are indescribable, as every climbing addict knows. There are many exhilarating climbing routes and new ones are constantly being explored – so, if you are an expert climber looking for tougher challenges this is your chance to charter some undiscovered territory. Many of the expeditions are based off the Knuckles Mountain Range; others include Ella and Horton Plains in the Central Highlands, Habarana, Sigiriya, Polonnaruwa in the North Central plains and Buttala in the South. At Bambarakanda Falls, Sri Lanka’s tallest waterfall there are two paths – for professionals, and beginners. So you can test your mettle if you are feeling particularly daring. At Kitulgala and Belihul Oya, rock climbing is offered with white-water rafting adding spills to your thrills. All expeditions generally include expert climbing guides, climbing and safety equipment, on-site instruction and transportation from the meeting point to the site and back.
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