Hiriwadunna is a village in the Habarana area. It is a village where you can get a glimpse of the typical village life style away from the city life and how they live, what they do for a living, what they eat and how they prepare it, their homes and their neighbourhood, etc.
The excursion begins with a 30 minute bullock cart ride through the village roads which are not carpeted and is not the smoothest ride. It goes through shrub jungle, vegetation, village homes…etc. Thereafter, trek through a paddy field for about 20 minutes and learn how the paddy is cultivated, harvested, stored and distributed which is the staple diet of the islanders. Then, take a traditional boat ride for about 20 minutes with a local fisherman and learn about their fishing techniques and their livelihood. Thereafter, visit a village home and see how they live and the style of accommodation. If you come at the right time, you can see the type of food they eat, how they prepare it and even partake in a meal using your fingers which are customary and the best way to enjoy it!
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